Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Liebster Blog Award

What a day! It started off as a lazy uninspired day followed by

1) Arrival of my new born nephew
2) A movie online
3) Writing a card for a breast cancer survivor (heard about her through a random craft blogger)
4) News of receiving the Liebster Blog Award!!!

Thanks to Dora who befriended me and became my follower. It's nice to have people wanting to be updated about your blog albeit millions of superb crafters online all over the world. So, if you are next to follow, I will be so thrilled. It's like a speck of sand being handpicked from the whole of the beach!

This Liebster Blog Award was created for bloggers who have fewer than 300 followers (oh, I am not greedy... let's make mine reach 30 followers for a start ^_^) , but still put a lot of love and heart into their work. Now I have to pass along this award to 3-5 other bloggers who I feel deserve this awardThere are the rules for The Liebster Blog Award. It is given to bring light to new blogs and it's a great way to share blogs that might not otherwise be seen or ones you want to share with others.

Well, I will be back announcing the selected recipients of this Award. Realized it isn't that easy because most of this bloggers I know either do not display their followers count or had already hit more than 300 followers. So I need to make some new friends on blogland and hunt for the next deserving Award winners! 

Meantime, I was curious as to where this award originated from. I tried my luck and found no answer but I noticed there were others who went to surfed for it too. I realized 'Liebster' must mean something or perhaps someone's name. I discovered that it's a german word that means, 'valued, sweet, nice, beloved or dearest'. Learned something new today!



  1. Congrats on the award!
    Newborn nephew??! James's???

  2. thanks, jen! hahaha. no, it's by a cousin here in london ;)

  3. Congrats on the award!

    Hey, I have a giveaway here, please come join in the fun!

  4. Congrats on the award - keep up the good work.
    Ike ^-^ xx
