Friday, April 22, 2011

Blessed Easter

It has been a tiring day for me. Baked 160 Pandan (Screw Pine Leaf) Choc Chip Cupcakes for church's Easter activity tomorrow. Now my shoulders are in pain. But I am glad the cupcakes were fine. Tomorrow will be my 1st Easter Friday Holiday ever as my home country does not have a holiday for it.

On Maundy Thursday (just awhile ago), we attended a fellowship at church. It's was pretty free and easy as we had dinner while watching a pastor demonstrating and sharing about Passover Meal's elements and what each item symbolizes. On Easter Friday itself, we will be joining some church members to reach out to the people in the Easter Market near church through prayers and 'Psalm' (not 'palm') reading ^_^ There will also be a procession with the Cross at some point of time. This Easter will certainly be a whole experience for me.

I have made some cards but doesn't have the time to post it up and do the linking. So that will have to wait till after Easter weekend or so.

So, meantime... here's wishing everyone who shares the same faith, a

B l e s s e d    E a s t e r 

May you have a reflective weekend.

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